Unforgettable Acts of Stupidity From Real People

Steamy In The Meat Department


We played a prank on some chick at my work who honestly had the IQ of a toothbrush. She wasn’t very good at her job, and we only gave her the simplest of tasks.

Seriously, even a task like “wash the dishes” required many questions before even being attempted. “Where’s the soap? Where’s the hot water? Will the tap automatically turn off when the sink is full?”

One day, we decided to play a prank on her. We asked her to go to the meat department and get us a bucket of steam for cleaning…A BUCKET OF STEAM!

She left the department, and about 10 or 15 minutes later, my buddy Rob phoned me up and said, “Dude….Naomi is here” I start to laugh and say, “Yeah?

And what is she doing?”

He says, “I can’t explain it man… it’s like…you have to be here. She’s like, got the hose right, and turned on the hot water.

She’s spraying the hose on the ground with one hand, and with the other hand, she’s trying to wave the steam into the bucket. My mind wants to be literally rolling on the floor laughing at her but….I’m not.

I think you’ve broken me…” I have never laughed so hard in my life. She did this for about 45 minutes before the manager called her back to the Deli.


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