Unforgettable Acts of Stupidity From Real People

Catching the Red Eye


For as long as I can remember, my father had red eyes after showering. I didn’t even think about it. Then one day as a teenager, a friend slept over and in the morning she saw my dad dressed and ready for work, freshly showered and red-eyed.

Timidly, she approached and asked him why his eyes were red. His answer made me look at him completely differently.

He simply said “shampoo.” She then, very carefully and as respectfully as she could muster, asked him why he didn’t close his eyes when he shampooed.

He laughed and said “What do you think, I’m an idiot? Closing my eyes in the shower! Sheesh!” My dad did a lot of things that embarrassed me…But that one was prettttty high up there.


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