Unforgettable Acts of Stupidity From Real People

That’s What Moms Are For


My cousin set me up with this girl. Things were actually alright, we connected via similar hobbies and interests, then about three weeks after we met, I ran over to her place for some reason and made a joke about how her laundry basket looked like it was about to explode.

She just responds, “Oh my mom comes by on Tuesdays and does my laundry.”

Fast-forward a bit, and I learned that at 25 years old, she didn’t know how to do laundry, cook, clean, take out trash, how the dishwasher in her apartment worked, or actually pay her own bills.

It was all taken care of by her parents. They would come by every couple of days and do some laundry, dishes, etc, and she would just occupy space in the area, I guess.

I did try to teach her some basic things, but it was a constant battle of “But my parents will do it for me” or “That’s what’s Uber Eats is for” or various replies like that.

I eventually had enough of it, and told her I’m done unless she can learn to do everything her parents do for herself. My cousin didn’t believe me about these stories until his girlfriend went to the girl’s place to drop something off…and there was the girl’s mom doing laundry and making breakfast.


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