Awful Wedding Guests Who Ruined The Big Day With Their Obnoxious Behavior

Double Wedding, Double Surprises


My wife and I are from different countries, which meant we had two wedding ceremonies. The first was near her family and some of my close relatives and buddies made the trip over for it, while the second gathering was closer to my family and had a few of her family and pals flown in.

On the eve of our wedding in her homeland, her relatives threw a small party at the house they were all staying in for the event. There was just one big problem. For some reason, they explicitly didn’t invite my family and friends. In fact, they asked them to stay away.

All these folks had travelled great lengths to be here, but they were still left with no other choice but to chill at their lodgings on the eve of the wedding. Still, the wedding on my side was somehow worse. About six of my family members either didn’t confirm their attendance or flat out denied they would be making it. But then shockingly, they had a change of heart barely three days before the wedding.

But rather than having the decency to notify me directly so we could make the required adjustments, brief the venue, cover the additional charges, and rejig the seating arrangements, they took an easy pass. They just casually dropped the message to my grandmother, who in turn passed it on to my mom just a day before the wedding.

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