Awful Wedding Guests Who Ruined The Big Day With Their Obnoxious Behavior

Something For Everyone


When I was planning my wedding, I asked my only nephew to take on the role of the ring bearer. His mom, who is no longer my sister-in-law, seemed bothered by the fact that her son was given a role in my wedding but her daughter was left out.

She suggested that I should find a place for her daughter in my wedding as a bridesmaid or a flower girl. Meanwhile I felt that two bridesmaids and two flower girls, which I already had, were more than adequate. Besides, her daughter was a bit too mature for the flower girl role. 

So I politely declined, thinking that would be the end of it. I was super wrong. Several weeks down the line, she penned me an email where she INSISTED that I include her daughter in the wedding arrangements in some way. I finally agreed. 

I assigned her daughter the task of ensuring guests signed the guest book at the reception’s entryway. Well, then my sister-in-law came back with another request. She wanted me to have her daughter assist me in opening the wedding gifts during the reception.

I stood my ground and said, “No. I found a task for her. If you don’t like it, too bad”. She never let go of her grudge.

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