Awful Wedding Guests Who Ruined The Big Day With Their Obnoxious Behavior

“I’ll Try to Make It”


My husband and I decided to have a small and intimate wedding, inviting around eighty guests. Much to my mother-in-law’s delight, she took care of the desserts, while we covered the rest of expenses ourselves.

None of our other family members participated in the wedding preparations. This is important to note, because of what happened just a month before our wedding day. My uncle’s girlfriend sent a text message to my grandmother, vaguely indicating their intention to “try and make it” to our wedding…despite the fact they hadn’t been invited.

Although I’m connected to my uncle on Facebook, our communication is limited to occasional post “likes”. I haven’t had a conversation or even met with him for years, and he’s a complete stranger to my husband, despite our 10 and a half year relationship. 

Curiously enough, they reside states away but at one point had managed to travel down for a theme park visit. Even then, they didn’t bother contacting me, even though we live in near to the amusement park. We had no idea why they wanted to come to the wedding.

It was my mom who broke the news of my uncle’s wanting to come. I told my mom there was no way he was invited and we wouldn’t let him in. She couldn’t understand what the issue was. To top it off, my grandmother proposed to cover their meal costs, believing it would be more convenient to shell out like $200 instead of telling them they hadn’t been invited.

But there was simply no room, and the bottom line was I didn’t want them there. If the person isn’t even close enough to the bride or groom to discuss this kind of thing to their faces, they should understand their exclusion from the guest list.

Eventually, my grandmother stopped responding to the texts and calls, and thankfully, they didn’t turn up. I’m not even sure if they were seriously considering it anyway. My uncle never even took the time to congratulate us.

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