Awful Wedding Guests Who Ruined The Big Day With Their Obnoxious Behavior

Worst Speech Ever


The dynamics of my family are a bit peculiar. In the months leading up to my wedding, I asked my brother to be a part of the wedding party. For months, he waffled he continually left me wondering whether he would be present. Eventually, I pushed for a definitive answer to whether he would be part of my wedding day.

He finally reassured me he would participate, even mentioning a guest with specific dietary needs. I agreed. As the festivities for the wedding weekend started, I wanted to include him in a meet and greet with my soon-to-be in-laws. No response. 

He was also silent about his hotel or his attendance at the important rehearsal dinner. I tried not to worry, and told him the exact time to be at the hotel on the wedding day. When he finally arrived, he was two hours late. That was far from all. He started asking me a bunch of questions while I was in the middle of final touches and photography.

Luckily, my other groomsmen helped him get ready. But his most shocking act was still to come. After all this, I still asked my brother to deliver a speech during the reception. This speech turned out to be a long monologue, lasting 20 minutes, and painting me as horrible and disloyal to our family. Um, at least he attended?

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