Awful Wedding Guests Who Ruined The Big Day With Their Obnoxious Behavior

With Or Without You


When my wife told her mom we were getting married, her reaction was shocking. She responded with, “Why are you doing this to me?” Only, she wasn’t even done yet. She followed this up by vowing not to attend the wedding, even rallying for a family-wide boycott of the event.

Obviously this deeply hurt my wife, and she relayed the whole scenario to my stepmom Carol. Recognizing our predicament, Carol invited my wife to shop for a wedding dress that very day, and generously offered our backyard to host both the ceremony and reception.

Well, my wife’s mom hit the roof after hearing that Carol had stepped in to help with wedding dress shopping. She felt slighted since this was an activity she had planned to share with her daughter. You know, despite the fact that she was being a raging witch about everything else. She confronted my wife, saying “I guess you don’t care about me at all”.

Still, this all forced my wife’s mom to realize that our wedding plans were going forward, despite her approval or disapproval. Once she did, she quickly revised her initial stance and decided to lend her support to our wedding preparations.

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