From 0 to 100

So one day I ran into a former co-worker and we went to get coffee and talk about what was going on since I left work. So his parents have a very large home and were talking about downsizing and getting a smaller home because all the kids are grown and gone.
They were talking to some of their friends about it. Well, one friend piped up. They said they knew about a friend of theirs that might be interested in selling their three-bedroom home and would set up a meeting with them.
This couple was getting up in their years and couldn’t take care of their home anymore and were about to put their home on the market and move into a retirement home. The parents liked the home, so a deal was made and everything started falling into place.
The parents put their home up for sale and the elderly couple said that they would need two months before they could move into a retirement home.
They said that would be no problem because they were in the process of selling their home and they had a few people interested and were waiting to see who would make an offer. Well, the offer was made and their home sold.
They had to put some of their stuff in storage, sold/donated the stuff they didn’t want, and moved into a hotel for about a month. The elderly couple got into a retirement home after a month and a half. The parents had a general contractor go in and make needed repairs and then moved in.
Now, this home is on a corner lot. This corner lot is bigger than the rest of the lots in this housing tract. It has a very large backyard and had a wooden gym set they had no use for. The parents said that this needed to go and called one of their friends and offered it to them since they have young kids.
A few weeks later they come over and take the thing apart and loaded it on a trailer. Said thank you, and left. Now it’s the start of spring and it’s getting warm.
One day, the mom saw a strange sight. A few kids come running past their house and towards their backyard. She then hears a loud scream and these kids run back down the street. About 10 minutes later there is someone banging on the door and trying to hurt the doorbell.
The mom opens the door and there are two mothers, with a bunch of kids behind them. She asked what they needed and they said they wanted to talk to the elderly couple about what happened to the wooden gym set that was in the backyard. The mom said that she and her husband now own this home.
Well, it went from 0 to 100. One of the mothers cut her off and said that she didn’t believe her and that she must be a caregiver or something. She demanded to see the elderly couple. Again the mom said that they owned this home.
The woman cut her off again and said whatever and that the wooden gym set belonged to the neighborhood and that they had no right to have it removed, and what are their kids are going to do now? The mother said that they didn’t want or need it, sorry.
Then the second mother cuts in and said that it needed to be replaced for the good of the neighborhood—and with a bigger one so the kids have something to play on during the summer. The owner said that is not going to happen and since they were being rude/demanding, she just shut the door in their face.
They scream that they were going to call the authorities for theft and sue them. About an hour later, the inevitable happened. Officers knock on the door and want to know what is going on with a wooden gym set?
So, she invited the officers in and explained to them that they now own this home and had the gym set taken out because they have other plans for the backyard and the gym set was in the way. She explained that she didn’t know what arrangements the previous owners had but that was not her concern.
Plus, the way the neighbors just came up to her door pounding and screaming at her was not how to make friends or be good neighbors. Also, there was nothing in the deed/title about the gym set belonging to the neighborhood.
They talked some more and the officers thanked her for her time and said that if the two women come back to call and they will come and deal with them. It seems these ladies have had run-ins before and are well known to them.
So, now that the wooden gym set is out of the way, the parents can get some real improvements done. So what better way to deal with hot summers, you got it, put in an in-ground pool and hot tub, and what better time to do this than in the springtime. The digging begins.
Since the house is on a corner lot, all the work is on the side that cannot be seen by the entitled ladies. Besides, they are at the other end of the street screaming at those neighbors to set up their above-ground pools so the kids can go swimming when it starts to get hot.
Now, the parents are friends with their next-door neighbors and the ones at the end of the street. They told them that this goes on every summer and that the wooden gym set was a magnet for the kids and that they were very loud and demanding of the previous owners.
This is when the whole story came out. That elderly couple hated the two ladies and their kids, but the women would just strong-arm them into doing stuff like letting the kids on the equipment, make them lunches, etc.
So the mom told the neighbors not to give in to their demands, and that they had a plan. The hole is dug (big hole) and all the workers are staying out of site so the bad moms don’t see what’s going on. A brick wall is also being put up along the back of the property, still leaving room to complete the pool/hot tub.
This wall will be about 10 feet tall with a special topping. If anyone tries to get over it, they won’t be able to get a grip. They also built a wall between their neighbors, including between the two houses. All the gates installed have spikes on top and have special locks.
Now the pool is done and the progress on the wall is moving along. When it is done, it will be about three feet from the sidewalk. The water trucks have been and gone and the pool is full.
The pumps are running, lights are something else, and they can change colors! Great for night parties. Now, since the parents like camping, one of the things the wall will block is the spot for their camping trailer on the side of the house.
There are two large gates that open so the dad can back the trailer in and lock the gates. There is also a wall between the pool and parking spot for the camper, also with a spiked gate.
For the first time this spring, the entitled moms take notice of some changes that have been made. At first, they are staying back because they are still trying to strong-arm the neighbors at the other end of the street, to get them to get their pools set up.
You know summer is right around the corner, and that water needs to get warm, right??? The parents are just counting the days until they come knocking, asking about when they were going to put that wooden gym set back up. Well, are they in for a surprise. It’s the beginning of summer and getting warm.
The women are angry that the neighbors at the other end of the street haven’t put up their pools and are making it known how mad they are and having a meltdown. It’s going to get hot so what are they going to do, they need those pools up.
The parents are having a housewarming and a neighborhood pool party and only invited those on the corners by them and those neighbors at the other end of the street. On the day of the pool party, everyone that’s invited is heading over in their swim gear and towels with food.
Everyone is having a good time, swimming, and the BBQ is in mass production with steaks, hotdogs, and hamburgers. Well, the entitled moms come out and go to the neighbors at the end of the street. Would you know it, they are not home, and no pool either.
They are mad and then they smell the BBQ and start back up the street. The closer they get, the stronger the BBQ smell is, and the sound of people having fun.
The sound of kids playing and having fun can be heard. Now they think that the gym set is back and go around the side of the house…only to find that the wall goes all the way around, and they can’t see anything. The sound of people talking is being heard and it sounds like everyone is having a good time.
Then comes the sound of kids splashing IN A POOL. They quickly go up to the front door and start knocking and ringing the doorbell. Now the dad is no stranger to these women, so he opens the door and asks what they wanted.
They first tried to demand to know why there was such a big wall, second was why they weren’t invited to the party. Third was they were going home to get their kids and come and use the pool. He had the perfect response.
He said, the wall is mandatory by city code when there is a pool. Second, you burned that bridge a long time ago. Third, NO YOU WON’T SHOW UP WITH YOUR KIDS AND EXPECT TO USE OUR POOL. At this point, they started to protest and he just shut the door.
They said they were calling the authorities (again) So, about an hour and a half later officers show up. The dad invites them in and can see the women and their kids across the street all dressed in swimsuits with towels.
The officers were led to the backyard and were greeted by everyone, the mom said hello and asked if they liked what they had done to the backyard. The officers said it was one heck of an improvement. The mom asked if they would like something to eat and have a sit while they talked about the women.
Both officers said yes and thank-you and went off-duty for lunch and talked about the women. Other neighbors told the officers what the women had been doing and that this was the last time they would let them get away with it.
No more pools, no more feeding them. They were done with them and their kids. The officers said they understood and couldn’t give any details but they were well known for getting into trouble. They also said that a report would be made, so if need be, they could request a restraining order against them.
After about 30 minutes, the officers said they had to get back on duty and said thank you again for lunch and to enjoy your pool. The parents walked them to the door and bid them a good day. Then came the cherry on top.
They stood in the doorway and could still see the moms and kids still waiting across the street. They waved to the officers and closed the door. The mom went back to the party while the dad was still watching from a window. The women ran up to the officers.
They talked for a few minutes, and the dad said he heard them start screaming, and the officers driving away with them just standing there, the kids crying and the moms just standing in the middle of the street trying to figure out what to do next.
They had lost the gym set, and now, couldn’t force their neighbors into letting them use their pool and feeding them and their kids. I think it just hit them that they would have to now deal with their own kids for the summer. The look on their faces was priceless.
By the way, there is a spot set aside in the back corner away from the pool for a “wooden gym set” when the parents have grandkids. Now that’s Karma.
Story credit: Reddit / DanRanFast