No Way to Treat a Tenant

It was 9 pm. I live in a high rise on the seventh floor. I’m an ER nurse and, obviously, it’s been extremely busy. My wife and I had an early morning the next day, so decided to wind down the night, relax, and get to bed early before a hectic 12-hour shift.
I’m brushing my teeth when I hear a knock on the door. It’s the building manager who I’m on very good terms with. He’s accompanied by a plumber and they explain that the unit below is having a water backup through all drains.
Obviously, a big issue and I get that, but why are you coming to me when it’s the apartment below? Well, apparently the pipes in question can be accessed through my unit easily. Then the plumber mentions they can also be accessed through the 6th floor’s unit, but that involves drilling a hole in the wall.
The tenant lady didn’t want to do that since it’ll then cause repairs. Still, how is this my problem? I say no. The manager says okay thank you for your time, we’ll let you know if we need anything. My wife goes to bed and I’m up for a bit longer doing some reading.
My phone dings with an email from another manager telling me I must give access to the plumber. I have no choice, she tells me. But I didn’t go down without a fight.
I politely respond that they cannot have access, I have to be up very early tomorrow and people’s lives are in my hands so I need to be fully lucid and not fatigued. This manager calls me, but from a blocked number, and before I can answer it, hangs up.
She leaves a voicemail very upset that I am not letting them fix the 6th floor’s unit through my unit. Because it was from a blocked number I couldn’t call back. My only response is to email back explaining again that I cannot stay up, this isn’t my problem, goodnight. Knock knock at the door.
It’s the 6th-floor tenant and the manager. The tenant is going off on me that she is a lawyer, is going to sue me, and will charge back to me all the damages that I am causing by not letting the plumber fix her problem through my unit.
I’m so tired, but just to get the issue resolved, I’ll let the plumber in. One huge problem arises. He isn’t there now. The manager and tenant leave. I decide to stay up watching TV for a bit, thinking the plumber will come knocking on my door.
11 pm, 12 pm, then 1 am and I finally get an email from the manager telling me the plumber fixed the issue by going through the 6th-floor tenant’s wall.
I have to be up in four hours now to care for people’s lives. I was left a nasty voicemail, sent rude emails, threatened to be sued, and have damages charged to me. I’m an ER nurse who’s been through heck and back these past two years and that’s how to treat me? Pathetic.
Story credit: Reddit / Thick_Part760