There’s Nothing More I Can Do

I’m an upstairs neighbor, and no matter what I do my downstairs neighbors HATE me. I’m tired of feeling guilty because I’m doing something normal. I always try to make a minimal amount of noise—
I purchased expensive headphones, stopped doing my dishes when he’s home—but at this point, I don’t know what to do. It’s 1 am and I’m just EATING CHIPS and he texts.
I don’t know if he hears the rustling of the pack but bro, can’t he just put some earbuds in his ears to sleep? He often invites his friends over, puts music on, and they laugh/ talk loudly but I put up with it, why can’t he do the same?
Am I really in the wrong? The only thing I ever asked him to do was to lower his TV volume because it triggers my OCD. I’m scared that to “take revenge” he’ll start watching it loudly again.
Story credit: Reddit / Tieeye42