No Parking Spots Left

So I own my house, while the neighbors next door rent theirs. They don’t have a driveway. It sucks, but it’s not my fault or my problem. At first, they would park so the end of the car was blocking about six inches of my driveway.
Enough for me to have to drive off the curb to get out of my driveway without hitting them. We asked them to stop doing that. There is plenty of room in front of their house and ours for them to park. They did for a little but then they got two more cars.
One day while my husband was at work I heard someone outside. I look out and see my neighbors shoveling my driveway. I thought ok that’s weird but whatever. I should have known something was up then.
The next time I went out I saw they took those two cars, and used my driveway to pull up next to my driveway in the grass. Now their cars are leaking oil in my yard. I’m afraid of getting a ticket because they are parked in MY GRASS.
They also started having guests that come over and block my driveway completely. I’m so sick of it!! They also have the nerve to get an attitude with me when I ask them to move their cars! What the heck is wrong with people!?
Story credit: Reddit / krissy1520