You Don’t Even Live Here!

Our horrible next-door neighbor, an old man, has been routinely fighting with his old girlfriend for years, but from January to March, it ramped up to once a week. From March to mid-May it was every other day. We had a blessed week or two, but this last week it’s been EVERY DAY.
They scream and throw stuff, with ALL the windows open, going in and out of the house, EVERY TIME THEY FIGHT. Usually, this only lasts a couple of hours. We live in a small complex, and everyone else hates them. But then they outdid themselves. Yesterday they carried on for FIVE HOURS.
A few of us got together to decide whether to call the authorities, but they kept stopping and starting, and the last time we called them, they didn’t do anything. Tonight, I’m relaxing after a long day, it’s 11 pm, and I hear this woman start screaming again.
I lost it. I ripped back the curtains and screamed at them out the window to shut up. We are NOT doing this tonight. Shut UP. I am not the only one. YOU DON’T EVEN LIVE HERE! It’s summer! It’s HOT!
We all have our windows open, we can all hear you! We’re sick of listening to your fights SHUT UP. I’ll be darned, it went silent and they left quietly within 10 minutes. WIN.
Story credit: Reddit / ErisInChains