Bad Parents Who Finally Got What Was Coming to Them

Excuses, Excuses


My dad will never let anyone use his car. He’ll go to the grave that way. His excuse is “You’re not on the insurance.” No problem, he owns it, it’s his decision. Yesterday, he had to take his car for repairs and was left without a car. They shuttled him home, but he wanted to go to Wal-Mart.

He comes and asks me if I could take him. I was very busy working from home, and said no, he’d have to wait. He then asked to just “Borrow my car” and proceeded to grab my keys before I even answered. I said no, and he got enraged.

I told him he’s not allowed to drive my car because he isn’t on the insurance, and he flipped out. Started saying he just needed to grab a couple of things and would be right back. I said no again and told him to hang my keys up.

Then he said, “I’m taking it anyway.” So, I told him I was dialing the sheriff to report my vehicle, and I swear his head was about to fly right off his neck.

He put my keys back and waited for three hours for his car to be finished and they shuttled him back to his car. Then he didn’t even go to Wal-Mart after all. My grin has still made my ears sore.


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