Bad Parents Who Finally Got What Was Coming to Them

Not Worth The Price


My boyfriend wears hiking boots all day, he just loves them. I just wear cheap sneakers and such. For as long as we have been together, he has been working on getting me to buy hiking boots for myself.

His reasons are valid in that they are objectively better than the cheap and unsupportive shoes I always wear, but I could never justify the cost. I could not spend that amount of money on myself. I could not convince myself I was worth $200 hiking boots.

But now, after almost two years, he had finally convinced me to let him buy me the boots as a birthday gift. Another reason that helped wear me down was that I really needed to walk more. For the exercise and so I would leave the house and relax.

Walking was horrible for me. I actually enjoy being outside but walking was so much effort, within minutes my legs, feet, and back would start hurting and I would be tired. This, I thought, was because I’m overweight and out of shape.

I really needed to walk more so I could get to a point where I could walk more than a mile without pain. So we went to a specialty store to get boots. I was a bit embarrassed because I have flat feet. I was always told this was just a cosmetic issue, and my mom used to make fun of me for it.

I got fitted for good hiking boots and special insoles for my flat feet. When we got back, my boyfriend and I went on a walk. That’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I could walk. I could actually walk without pain, hardly tiring at all. I noticed that the boots completely changed the way I actually walk.

Turns out my flat feet are not just a cosmetic issue. I lack the stability in my feet to walk normally, and I need to compensate for the lack of stability with muscle tension. Now that I had supportive boots that gave my feet the needed stability, I could walk.

It wasn’t me being out of shape, and it wasn’t me being overweight. It was a medical issue. I wasn’t being whiny about walking, I just wasn’t supposed to be in pain. But now I’m even angrier at my parents. My extra mobility was noticed as soon as I was born.

My feet have always been obviously flat. My parents know how important good shoes are because they invest in them for themselves. But not for their children.

My mom has high-end hiking boots, she also has flat feet but not to my extent. THEY KNEW HOW MUCH OF AN ISSUE IT CAN BE. But I was told my feet are just ugly, that I need to stop whining and just walk, and that $40 was too much for shoes for me.


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