Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Meet Cute


In high school, I spent a month in Germany as an exchange student. The family had a son my age. Everyone I met commented on the fact that they had never met an American who could speak German. Until they met me. One night I shortly after I arrived, I was at a party. Two girls about my age sat down close to me and started talking. I tried to look oblivious.

Girl1 (In German): Isn’t that the American boy staying with Peter? Girl2 (German): Yes. He’s rather cute, yes? Girl1 (German): Yes! I’m going to say something! Girl1 (English): Hey! Aren’t you the American staying with Peter? I’m Birgitte, and this is Hilde. Me (In German): Yes, I am! It’s nice to meet you both! They both turned bright red. It was one one of the funnest trips I’ve ever had. mwatwe01

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