Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

I’ve Been Doing This For Many Years


I am fluent in Spanish because I lived in a Spanish-speaking country and my wife and her family are all native Spanish speakers. But as I am fairly pale, most don’t expect me to speak Spanish. One day, when I was working retail, I was helping this Latino family: an abuela (grandmother), husband, wife, and kid. They were buying a computer. All spoke English very well. 

Since they all spoke English I didn’t mention I was able to speak Spanish. I recommended a more expensive computer that they were looking at (the one they wanted sucked and wouldn’t have been good for what they wanted to do). The abuela spoke to the husband in Spanish saying, “This gringo doesn’t know what he’s talking about, get the cheaper one.” 

I looked her dead in the eye and responded in Spanish, “I actually know exactly what I’m talking about as I have been doing this for many years.” I then turned and walked away to check and see if we had the one I was recommending in stock. The abuela didnt say another word the entire time they were there and they bought the computer I recommended. SashaNightWing

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