Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Want to Hear a Joke?

Wikimedia Commons / Adam Kliczek / CC 3.0

We were visiting the Grand Canyon and found ourselves on the same tour bus as a group of Germans. At the time, my mom was particularly heavy, which I guess one of the Germans took personal offence to; she loudly told her friends as much. Several laughed.

My dad speaks German and had a big issue with this, so he starts laughing with them and says in German, “That’s hilarious! I like to tell jokes too. Want to hear one? It’s about some very stupid Germans.” Needless to say, they did their best to avoid us after that.

He actually only recently told my mom what happened on that bus (at the time, he told her he accidentally offended them). She thought it was hilarious. guitarer09

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