Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Talking Smack


This happened to a friend of mine. So he is a manager in a kitchen and when he got this sweet gig in a new kitchen it was like 90% Cuban women. Now my friend is straight up Irish, red hair, pale skin with freckles, green eyes, totally a white boy. His mother, though, was a Spanish teacher and raised him to speak fluent Castilian Spanish.

Well for his first two weeks the ladies talked a lot of smack about him in Spanish to each other and totally dissed him nonstop. He decided to let it roll and when the two weeks was up he held a big meeting with them all to go over the changes he was gonna make in the kitchen.

He held the whole meeting in Spanish and he said every women’s face just dropped and went bright red. Needless to say they stopped talking smack in Spanish. snowskirt

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