Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Trying Out a New Look


I grew up in Thailand and can speak fluent Thai but I’m mixed race so I look pretty white. This happened when I was about 14 and wearing red lipstick for the first time. I was coming home on the sky train. This older lady turned to her husband and basically said that foreigners always dress like tarts and that she feels sorry for my parents for raising such a degenerate.

Luckily, my Thai mom called to ask which station I had gotten to so I was able to talk to her in perfect Thai. The woman’s face was priceless. I kinda wish I had some witty retort before I got off the train but I was really shy and didn’t really stand up for myself at that age. I think her knowing I understood was enough. perpetuallynocturnal

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