Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

How Long Have You Been Learning the Language?


Ohhh the fun I’ve had being able to speak Indonesian. My family and I, like most Australians, go to Bali in Indonesia quite a bit. I learnt the language for 12 years, and was fluent enough to pass tertiary entrance exams. The Indonesians just aren’t used to tourists making much of an effort to speak their language so, as a consequence, they say a LOT.

My two favourite moments would be from my first trip. We were being driven from our hotel to a really popular restaurant. We were being driven by three young guys. They were happily chatting away, blissfully unaware that I understood every word. One of them cracked a joke about my mother (they were very much just cracking a joke. No real ill-intent) and when they all laughed I laughed REALLY LOUDLY.

They stopped immediately and said in Indonesian “How long have you been learning Indonesian?  Was a pretty quiet car ride after that. The other time would be at the markets. I was buying some crappy jewelry from a small stall by the side of the road and I made a point of bartering in English for a change.

In the middle of our transaction she turns to her daughter, who was sitting next to her in the stall, and says “Make sure you never barter much when the young ones are alone. They’re easier to make more money”.

To which I said “Could you please repeat yourself but slower?” And her face!! It was magical! I had never seen someone so shocked. Her daughter ended up giving me the things for their cost price and we chatted and hung out quite a bit too. All in all, victories all around. thecomicbookvillain

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