Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

I’ve Never Seen Someone Look So Shocked


I was on the train in Brisbane on my way home from work, and there were some (male) French tourists on there, plus the usual gaggle of schoolgirls from the local Catholic schools. The guys started talking and pointing to some of the girls (clearly kids in uniform) and saying some disgusting things. Along the lines of extremely inappropriate.

Bear in mind these girls are like, year 8-9 (so like 13-14 years old) and definitely under age. I was getting increasingly ticked off at the comments and turned to them and yelled: Honte à vous, vieux pervers rampant! (Shame on you, creepy old perverts!) I’ve never seen someone look so shocked in my life. They got off at the next stop, but not before practically melding into the walls. nionvox

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