Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Good Luck Elsewhere


I worked at a pool a while back and I’m extremely white-looking but also very fluent in Spanish. A family came in at one point asking about memberships/if we had day passes. I could tell that English wasn’t their first language, but I always feel awkward jumping into Spanish in these situations because of my appearance and I don’t want to come across as presumptuous.

Anyway, I explained to them very nicely how membership works and that no, sorry, we didn’t have day passes but I could recommend some pools that do. At this point, the wife turns and says to the husband, “This guy’s just trying to make it more difficult,” (presumably because she thinks I’m racist),

“Let’s try another pool.” Incredibly uncomfortable for me, but not as uncomfortable as it was for them when I gave them directions to the pool with day passes and wished them a nice day and good luck in Spanish. domuseid

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