Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Truly Mortified


My father-in-law is Moroccan but has lived 30+ years in Finland and is completely fluent in four languages (including Finnish). He travelled a lot on business selling air conditioning units. Once, while he was on on a connecting flight in the United States, he overheard two young Finnish girls on holiday talking to each other about which one would have to sit in the middle seat next to “the terrorist.”

They spent the flight being incredibly rude about my polite father-in-law who bit his tongue the whole way. Only at the end did he finally let them have it. When they got onto the terminal bus, he gave up his seat to one of the girls and said in Finnish, “You can have my seat. After listening to you, I have decided to stop being a terrorist and start selling air conditioning units.” He says they were absolutely mortified. SuomiBob

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