Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Got Out of That Situation Fast


I was fluent in Spanish since I was 6 years old, then went to go live in Bolivia for over a year after high school. I returned to Minnesota to work at IKEA after that and I was helping these two older Mexican women. My job was to help people load their cars with heavy products.

So we were going down in the elevator, and these two older women started to talk about how hot I am, that they would love to hook up with me, all sorts of sexual stuff. I was just standing there like I had no clue what they were saying, because I am the most gringo looking guy ever anyway.

I listen to this perverted sexual conversation about me for a minute as we go down in the elevator, then they bring up their car. As soon as they pull up, I immediately start speaking in perfect Spanish. They just looked at each other and started laughing. They jumped in their car sooo fast. southmpls

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