Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

The First Rule of China


My wife and I lived in China, but don’t look like we would speak Chinese. At the time, my wife was pregnant with our first child, about five months along. We were in Xi’An, renting bikes to ride on top of the city wall. There were two lines, one long line with Chinese signs, and another shorter line with signs in English.

The first rule of China is never to let anyone know you speak Chinese, so naturally, we went in the short line. When we get to the front, I hear one of the girls renting bikes ask the other if pregnant women are allowed to rent bikes. Rental girl #2 looks at my wife for a moment, then says, “She’s not pregnant, she’s just fat.” Naturally, we said nothing, rented bikes, and went on our merry way. BrassAge

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