Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Mumbled Apologies


I’m Asian and I live in France, so my French is pretty fluent (spoken, at least).

I was visiting some friends in London last summer and on the tube, there were a group of 5 French tourists standing around and pretty much complaining about EVERYONE else in the tube, saying that Brits are so ugly, dissing how they dress, really petty stuff.

I was already side-eyeing the crap outta this group but pretty much kept to myself and my friends. Then the tube started getting really crowded, and we had to move in nearer to said French group.

I accidentally bumped shoulders with one of the guys in the group and he proceeded to groan loudly then turn to his friends and made a racial remark. His group started laughing and looking at me. At that point I saw white and COMPLETELY LOST IT.

I turned around and addressed his whole group calling them out on their ignorance and racist garbage, telling them off for being the exact stereotype of tourists that ruin the reputations of the decent people out there,

And assuming that no one else can speak their language while traveling around in Europe, for Pete’s sake. Ended by saying if you don’t want to see any other races or ethnicities you should probably stay in that hole you call a home and not travel abroad if you’re gonna act like a massive jerk.

Everyone was looking at me at this point. My friends were like “what the heck” and trying to get me to stop. I just said loudly in English to everyone else that this group of French people were making racist statements and deserved to be called out.

They all pretty much turned red and one of the other people in the group mumbled a quick apology and they got off the tube at the next stop.


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