Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Do You Speak to Everyone This Way?

Wikimedia Commons / NIAID / CC 2.0

First time I visited Montreal was on a school trip. I’m from Alberta, and our hotel receptionist knew this. I guess she had assumed we couldn’t speak French, which, looking back, was pretty stupid of her. What kind of school would send non French speaking kids to the only French province?

Anyway, one of my friends was having an asthma attack, and the receptionist muttered under her breath, “Etouffé, s’il te plaît” (suffocate, please).

To which I responded, “Madame, parlez-vous à tous vos clients de cette manière?” (Madam, do you speak to all of your customers this way?). Not super clever on my part, but it shut her up.


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