Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

You’ll Never Guess What Just Happened


I’m the one who spoke badly about another person. About 11 years ago, a couple of my friends and I were travelling from London to Manchester by train. There was a really pretty-looking girl sitting opposite us and I had just come off a bad break up.

So my friends, being the jerks they are, kept teasing me in Tamil, our native language. Stupid stuff like ‘Raiden and the maiden sitting in a tree.’ This went on for the whole journey.

Finally, we reached Manchester and were walking down the station when this girl comes bounding up past us, hugs this really big, burly guy and exclaims, “You’ll never guess what happened on the train,” in perfect Tamil. Needless to say, we bolted from there as fast as possible.


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