Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Don’t I Know You?


I am English. Last year, I visited Germany and went to the thermal baths in Baden Baden. It’s important to point out at this point that in Germany almost every sauna facility is mixed and strictly nude. 

When I arrived at the place, I overheard an English couple talking. It caught my ear because their accents were close to my own, so they must have been from the same region.

I overheard the woman call her husband Jerry while they were walking to the changing rooms. A little while later, I sat down in one of the saunas. After a few minutes, the English couple came in and sat down opposite me.

They were chatting away and must have assumed I was German. Jerry turned to his wife and said, “I could never do anything like this back home, I would be terrified of meeting someone I know.”

I looked up at them and said, “Hang on a minute, I know you. It’s Jerry isn’t it?”


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