Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Have a Safe Drive Home


I know a decent amount of ASL (American Sign Language) and was in my second college course learning ASL when this happened.

My younger sister’s friend was going to buy a puppy and wanted me to go so she wasn’t meeting strangers alone. The group of people we are meeting get out of the car and we realize they are deaf. 

The girl selling the puppy to my sister’s friend starts talking to her and I’m just chilling off to the side. Another girl and a guy were off to the side also. The girl was signing bad stuff about me and my sister’s friend being ‘hearing’ and just rude stuff in general.

I don’t remember much, but the guy noticed I was watching the conversation. He told the trash talker to quit because he thought I could understand what she was saying.

She blew him off and continued. Eventually, my sister’s friend buys the puppy and as we are saying ‘goodbyes’ I sign, “Thanks for meeting us. Have a great day and have a safe drive home.”

I swear to god the dude that was telling the trash talker to be quiet earlier just about peed his pants laughing at her. It made my day.


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