Bilingual People Share Their Greatest “I Didn’t Know You Spoke the Language” Stories

Polyglot Tales


French, English, German and Spanish.

Have had some fun ones with the latter two. Once, German tourists were in town, talking about how North Americans are rude and dumb. I politely responded to them that generalizing all North Americans is dumb, and saying things like that was very rude. That shut them up.

In Spanish, I was out with my partner, and a group of Spanish speaking boys started saying things about my partner that while I understand why they’d think them, you shouldn’t say out loud, and what they’d do to her. I responded that this is what I thought of their mothers as I was having them the night before.

Once again: triumphant silence and indignant shock was their reaction. The best polyglot story ever was my Godmother, who is this super white French Canadian who was raised in India, and speaks fluent Hindi and Marathi.

So these two guys in an elevator start talking about her physique, berating her for being on the plumper side. As she exits the elevator, she says in fluent Hindi how their mums would not approve of how they were talking and treating women.


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