Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

9. We can’t hide the dresses!

Pexels, Danielle Reese

I was in a wedding where the bride planned two bachelorette weekends for herself and got mad at anyone who couldn’t/wouldn’t spend two 3-day weekends at ~$500/each away from their husbands/kids/jobs.

The week leading up to the wedding the temperature for the big day was forecast to be a high of 10*F (February wedding, NE US). The bride insisted on outdoor photos without coats “because we can’t hide the dresses!” Everyone, including the photographer, tells her no. On the day of the wedding, she pitched a fit when we refused to do more than one quick photo.

Afterward, she stopped talking to 75% of the bridal party because of their refusal to accommodate her outrageous demands. To this day, years later, she still complains about how her bridesmaids ruined her wedding.


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