Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

22. Too many demands

Pexels, Kathrine Birch 

I was asked to be a bridesmaid for a college friend which was weird because we weren’t great friends, but I don’t think she had many female friends. She expected us to buy expensive designer dresses which she insisted we’d be able to wear again. We had to have matching shoes and jewelry which we were expected to pay for. 

We were expected to help her DIY all her decorations. And that wasn’t even the worst part. She finally got it in her head that I’d embroider favors for all of her 150+ guests. (I have a small side business of custom embroidery). When I told her how much it would cost per favor she balked and said it was too high. 

When I explained that wasn’t even what I’d charge but was just the cost of materials she tried to convince me to do it “as a wedding gift”. I declined.

Then she decided that my red hair would compete for attention and asked me to dye it brown for the ceremony. I ended up explaining that my work schedule was getting too out of control and combined with my chronic illness I just didn’t feel comfortable being a bridesmaid because I’d feel bad if I got sick and couldn’t fulfill my duties. 

She seemed okay with that until I realized 7 months later that she didn’t end up inviting me to her actual wedding. I’ve never been so glad to have been disinvited to something in my whole life.


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