Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

30. Cover your tattoos

Pexels, Lena Glukhova

A friend asked me to be a bridesmaid because she had “no one else left to ask”. Okay, thanks. I stupidly bought the ugly brown coloured dress anyway and a few months before the wedding, she dropped a bombshell on me.

She knew prior to all of this that I was almost completely covered in tattoos. So then I was told that I would have to get all of my tattoos airbrushed/covered by makeup. Apparently, my having tattoos would ruin her church wedding or photos. 

I understand how she didn’t want anyone but her to have their tattoos showing but what I don’t get is why she asked me knowing I have them and waiting until I already bought the dress to order me to cover them. When I explained that I didn’t have the funds for that (I was a poor university student who had already used a paycheck to buy that ugly dress), she told me it wasn’t her problem. 

Thankfully, I begged out of the wedding by scoring a summer internship and she found a random woman to stand in and bought the dress from me.


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