Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

39. You should not have invited me

Pexels, cottonbro studio

Bridezilla got engaged and asked me to be a bridesmaid while I was 6 months pregnant. She assured me it was completely fine. She excluded me from all the activities and girly hangouts she had with the other bridesmaids (we were all mutual friends). 

At the time she’d explain that it was to let me rest and “knew I had a lot on my plate”, I told her I’d love to go to dress fittings and wedding planning in cafes but I was never invited. Then she started to get really mean. She made jokes, both behind my back and to my face about me gaining weight while pregnant.

She kept being coy about the details of her day, I had no idea whether we were meeting at her house for hair and makeup or at her mum’s. So the day of her wedding arrives and I take a stab and go to hers, the bridesmaids are all there and have been since the morning when they went to a cafe without me.

At her wedding, I met her new inlaws and they were in mourning. The MIL wore black and I overheard her make a comment to her friend about her son’s previous ex being lovely. His family was deeply religious and ran their own congregation but Bridezilla wasn’t and it really caused a rift between the two families. 

Her SIL managed to cut her own hand and smear the blood on her wedding dress “accidentally” during the reception. I kind of understood why Bridezilla was so frustrated/taking it out on me.

I shouldn’t have put up with it but I did. Since then I’ve cut off contact and feel so much better for it.


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