Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

52. Pink Horror

Pexels, Ahmed Satti

I was asked to be a bridesmaid by a girl I knew in high school but wasn’t really friends with. We worked together a few years later but we weren’t really friends outside of work. I said yes anyway. I was there through all the planning. Went to wedding fairs with her, viewed the venue, and helped the pick her dress, and anything she needed, I was there.

Anyway, she was always complaining about her other bridesmaids, how she only had her sister as her dad made her and her brother’s girlfriend, etc. They hadn’t helped out or showed any interest. Everything that could be booked and arranged in advance was sorted in under two months. 

The wedding wasn’t for two years but she wanted to be ready. I agreed to pay for my dress as she was a bit stuck for cash. We agreed £100 was reasonable as long as it was a dress I could wear again. I found a few nice ones online for about £80. She bought one for £30 and it was an awful, China knock-off kind of thing. 

She sent it back.

Then I didn’t hear from her for a few months. I figured we had years still to plan and just waited for her to get in touch. When she did, she was asking for pictures of her trying on dresses so I sent them over and assured her again how excited I was to be a part of her special day. 

She went a bit quiet and explained she thought I had dropped out. I was shocked and asked why, when I had been there every step of the way so far and she’d made no attempt to contact me. She mumbled a bit and said she’d tried but I knew she hadn’t.

Anyway, she said they’d all gone out and offered bridesmaid dresses. If I went to get a fitting by Friday (impossible, I was away) I could still get mine. I asked for a photo of the dress. It was awful, like a washed-out pink nightie. We’d all said we’d like a dress we could wear a bra in.

This one we couldn’t at all and I’m the last person you’d see in pink. So much for being able to wear it again. But I sucked it up and asked how much. £350!!! Insane. I was furious she’d basically cut me out of the wedding and then expected me to pay for such an ugly dress I couldn’t even afford. 

Needless to say, I wasn’t a bridesmaid and didn’t go to the wedding.


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