Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

53. Baby Face

Pexels, Евгений  Горман 

Wasn’t so much a bridezilla but it felt like one. I was in the wedding party (groomsman not bridesmaids) but the bride decided she didn’t want the groomsmen to have facial hair. She wanted us all clean-shaven.

I initially said screw that (I had kept my facial hair neatly trimmed short short beard for over ten years at that point) but literally no one else backed me up on it and I caved to social pressure and clean-shaved. The first time I had been clean-shaven since I was 16. It was awful.

I have a horrible baby face without my scruff, my skin tone was a bit off and I was in such a foul mood I couldn’t enjoy the wedding at all. My parents ended up apologizing a few days later as did the groom saying they should have backed me up but it was too late at that point


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