Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

60. The Huge Exposé

Pexels, cottonbro studio

Got married in March. My wife had a MOH picked out for like 7 months, college friends, but we all slowly saw the friendship deteriorating. I went to high school with her and she was notorious for being, to put it nicely, a jerk. 

My wife befriended her in college not knowing about how she was in HS. I thought “Hey, whatever, people change” and boy was I wrong. We helped her leave a toxic relationship multiple times because she kept going back to the guy. 

We saw her snap at people and ruin friendships with other people and thought “Won’t happen to us” Wrong again. About a month before the wedding she started blackmailing my wife because she bought a veil without telling my wife and expected us to buy it from her full price. 

Her blackmail? Texts, between myself and my wife. (My wife has some slight bdsm kinks) that she sent to her phone while my wife wasn’t paying attention. 

Threatening to show everyone that I’m abusive. She went and found blackmail on my wife before they even had any problems, that was my wife’s last straw, and kicked her off the bridal party.

 Chose someone who probably should have been the MOH the whole time and continued to have a great wedding


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