Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

64. Not even the discount could save her

Pexels, Caner Kökçü 

My wife got roped into doing the photos for her step-sister’s wedding. Normally my wife would charge between $4000 and $6000 for this, and we were flying across the country to attend this wedding mostly out of family obligation. So the bride was getting an amazing deal. 

Over the course of six months, the bride became incredibly hateful on social media, constantly starting drama, was mean in her save the dates, and changed venue and locations several times. We knew it was going to be a crap show but we’d committed so we bought our plane tickets and planned to come.

The week before the wedding, the bride goes totally psycho and posts nasty awful things about half of her wedding party, including my wife. So we decided to cancel the photography and not attend the wedding, wasn’t worth it anymore. 

The bride’s own mother was so ashamed her her behavior that she didn’t attend either. All total they had 8 people at their wedding, and only got cellphone pictures. We had a nice little vacation and visited a lot of friends in the area.


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