Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

68. Never Again

Pexels, Yaroslav Shuraev

Overheard the bride drunkenly tell a mutual friend on her wedding day that if she could do it all over again, she wouldn’t have had me and a mutual friend in her bridal party (I was the MOH).

I planned her bachelorette party (with the mutual friend) from another country and dropped a lot of money on it personally so she would have the party she wanted. I gifted her a pair of Jimmy Choos for her wedding day along with a beautiful ring with her wedding date engraved. 

I had to fly to Europe for her wedding, use a hire car to get around, and help with loading/transporting wedding items back and forth. I was up that morning arranging with the hotel to deliver breakfast/coffee/ tea for the bridal party. An old friend decided a week before the wedding she was going to fly from Oz to surprise the bride, so I had to arrange that surprise and find a hotel room for this friend and speak to the groom to check with catering and arrange a seat for her without the bride knowing. 

I stepped in to help the make-up artist as she was running behind schedule. I walked the venue to make sure things were on track, There are more things she did throughout the night that infuriated me. I was treated like a slave, and spoken to like one. 

I catered to her every freaking whim from 6 am until midnight…and then to overhear that! Apparently, her wedding day was ruined because the calla lilies in her centerpieces wouldn’t stay suspended in the water vase like she wanted. And it was all my fault because they slowly floated to the top.

The next day she is all hugs and kisses saying it was the best night ever and she couldn’t have done it without me, I have never wanted to falcon punch a bitch so hard in the face. I will never EVER be a bridesmaid again.


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