Bridesmaids to Bridezillas Share Their First-Hand Wedding Drama

73. Sandwich For Your Trouble?

Pexels, Manon Thvnd

After paying 250 dollars for a dress in a color I hate, and being dragged around all day without Eating the full day we finally get to the wedding after pictures, etc and the people in the wedding party get served cold cuts. Not just cold cuts...freaking finger food

And there was not even enough to serve the wedding party never mind the rest of the guests. People were ordering pizza at the fucking venue. Leading up to this I had gotten engaged and didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want to take away from her big day. Days after the wedding I told the freshly married bride who proceeded to just stop talking to me. It’s been over 3 years now.

There are also 3 other people who were in her wedding party she no longer talks to. Well…you’re the one who has to look back at those pictures and remember all the people you treated like crap.

Moving on to my wedding a year later… My mother was so freaking awful I actually want to have a redo of the whole thing. She literally made the whole event about her. The guests were extremely limited and mostly her friends…she was a jerk the whole time and basically made me cry every fucking day leading up to it.


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