Always Watching

User magnabellamagister wrote about one Friday, where she had freshman’s as her last class of the day. The class was acting disruptive and seemed to not notice her. She decided that it was time to give them a scare.
She was about 5’2 and she could easily move around the class and go unnoticed. She found a place in a corner on top a cabinet and she perched like a gargoyle. It wasn’t unusual behavior for her, so her students did not think much of it. In that corner, she found her pig mask that she used for the section about Lord of the Flies.
Standing at a robust 5’2, it is easy for me to stealth around my class. I decided to go to my place in the corner atop a cabinet about two meters (eight feet) off the ground, where I can essentially perch like a gargoyle. This isn’t uncommon so the students that saw me didn’t think much of it. There, I found my creepy pig mask that I use during our unit on Lord of the Flies.
She put on the mask and just stared at the students. When the bell rang, the children were looking for her so that they could be dismissed, but she was nowhere to be seen. Students started to notice her and asked questions such as , “Where is…what in the world is that?” She remained in one position until all the students were quiet.
Eventually she turned her head to the side and said , “Dismissed.” They quietly exited the room, and she remained in her corner, thinking to herself, “What a terrific start to the weekend!”