Talk Nonsense Get Hit

User NE_Irishguy13 instructed his class to write down a single sentence summarizing America’s response to Japan targeting Pearl Harbor as a way to get out and to read theirs to the class. The majority of pupils reacted as expected such as, “America got mad and nuked Japan,” and “America retaliated against the Japanese and entered WWII.”
A student named John, who is not prone to interacting with the class unless if it is in a disruptive manner raised his hand and shared his sentence. His sentence was somewhere along the lines of, “America’s reaction to the Pearl Harbor attack was essentially, ‘Talk Nonsense, Get Hit.” His sentence spoke true to who he was as a person and the Reddit user resonated with his student. Because of this, he started laughing uncontrollably.
All of the students were confused and he explained to the class that John had the right idea, even though he could’ve chosen better wording. Normally, the user would not reward cursing but that day the children went to lunch with no repercussions. The student, John, tried to curse more during classes to make his teacher laugh but realized that it would not work but his summary was definitely an accurate depiction of America’s reaction!