Google Documents

Elefantstampede wrote about how four of the grade seven boys got suspended and had to endure a summer long technology ban. This meant that they also did not have access to their school email or Google accounts. The user got approval from the school principal to let the students do a final project rather than a final exam.
As the children were working in class, she noticed that one of the kids who misbehaves was not working, but rather writing offensive phrases on his computer. It was a normal thing for this student to act out just to shock people. The chaos did not end there however.
The teacher and principal were not aware of the fact that the four boys made a Google Doc that had 20 pages filled with offensive material. They even went out of their way to color code the document!
The boys put more effort in the offensive Google Doc than they did in school! Every Google account to the school was linked to one another as well as the entire school division. What the four boys did next stunned everyone…
They shared the document with a Christian school in the school division. They shared the document with all of the students, teachers and staff members of the school under the illusion that they wanted them to edit the document.
The school immediately found out and called the principal asking how their school could let this happen! Crazy!