Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

Don’t Trust Her


I was raised by my grandmother and my great-grandmother. My grandmother passed from a swift, but rather excruciating battle with pancreatic cancer. From the date of her diagnosis of stage four cancer to the date of her passing was approximately just one month.

This was several years ago, and I was around 21 years old at the time. I had already been married to my wife for two years by that point. My wife was young when we met, and we both made a lot of bad decisions back then. We had a son together, who is now seven years old.

He was only a toddler at the time. The last words that my grandmother ever said to me broke my heart. She said, “Don’t trust that wife of yours, darling”.

Now, keep in mind that my grandmother was my favorite adult and grandparent for my entire childhood and life. Her comment didn’t really affect me much at the time.

But now, seven years later, about to have my ninth anniversary and second child with my wife who has never wavered for even a moment in her love for me, nor me to her, it has been really difficult to reflect back and dwell on the fact that my grandmother truly felt that way about my wife.

I loved my grandmother dearly and I still do, but often all I can think about when I try to reflect on my time with her is that last statement. That, and the horrible condition that she was in when I was visiting her in the hospital every day for several hours.

Let’s just say that watching someone you are so close to pass from cancer is not a pleasant memory, or something that you can easily forget. Sorry, but reading all of these stories made me need to get that out. Thanks for listening if you did. Story credit: Reddit / ParaMagnetik

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