Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

If There is a Heaven…


I worked in hospice for a while and always had my nurses call me when one of our patients passed, regardless of the time. The only time I ever heard one sound shaken up was when she went with our chaplain to check on a patient with lung cancer who was actively passing.

For those who don’t know, lung cancer patients typically suffocate as their lungs fill up with fluid. Their energy is so sapped from shallow breathing that they don’t usually communicate much a week or more before they pass.

This one patient was no different, except that right before he passed he became completely coherent. He hit our chaplain with a thousand-yard stare and said “If you’ve screwed this up, I swear to God I’ll haunt you”.

If there is a heaven, I hope he got in. Our chaplain was a nice guy! Story credit: Reddit / j-mt

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