Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

I’m a Lady!


This is my dad’s story. He and his fire engine rush to respond to a kitchen fire that was started when an older woman caught her pajamas on fire with a stove. She apparently ran back and forth in her kitchen, on fire, and set the entire kitchen on fire in the process.

By the time they arrive, she is extremely burnt, including on her face. This, on top of her age, causes one of the firemen to mistake her for a male. He stands beside the gurney saying things like “It’s going to be alright, sir. We’re going to take you to a hospital, sir”.

What’s left of her eyelids open, and she rasps out: “I’m a lady!” And then she passed right on the spot. It was such a sad thing to hear about. Story credit: Reddit / kt_ginger_dftba

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