Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

It’s Still Hard to Talk About


I was with my mother when she passed. She needed a high-pressure ventilator to survive as her lungs were so honeycombed. Not enough oxygen getting to her bloodstream.

After a lung collapsed, she decided enough was enough and told the nursing team to take her off the high-pressure ventilator and let her try to breathe by herself, knowing full well she wouldn’t be able to.

After some preparation and a load of morphine to help her, they did as she asked. She started to panic almost immediately and grabbed my arm. Her last words were “Help me”. I’ve never felt more helpless.

She slipped into an unresponsive state soon after and passed the next day. It was only a couple of years ago but it’s right to talk about these things rather than bottle it up. Story credit: Reddit / Melonheadfpv

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