Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

Don’t Worry About Me


My great grandfather was in his mid-90s when he passed. His health had always been good, but a benign tumor that was deemed too dangerous to operate on at his age went septic. He was gone a week later. Before he passed, I went to visit him in the hospital.

My family used to see him a lot, but there was a falling out between him and my grandma several years before, so we stopped seeing them. Even so, I constantly ran into my great-grandpa at the store, and we always had nice chats. While in the hospital, he told me not to worry about him.

Most everyone he had ever known was gone, and he was ready to go as well. The week he felt himself getting sick, he knew something was off and made arrangements to get my great-grandma into a nursing home.

He took care of her while she had Alzheimer’s, and he wouldn’t pass until he knew she was taken care of. They had been married for over 70 years. Story credit: Reddit / PancakesandMaggots

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